Indra on Erawan elephant in Wat Saman Rattanaram Chachoengsao province of thailand. (clipping path)

In the rich tapestry of Hindu mythology, amidst over 16,000 revered deities, Lord Indra stands tall as the king of all gods. His name, meaning “the one who possesses water,” reflects his dominion over the elements, particularly water, symbolizing life and sustenance. Let us delve into the legends surrounding Lord Indra, his birth, his legendary stories, and the symbolism he embodies.

Lord Indra’s Birth:

According to ancient scriptures, Lord Indra was born to the esteemed sage Kashyap and his wife Aditi. Aditi, longing for a son to experience the joys of motherhood, was granted her wish by Kashyap. Indra, the eldest among the twelve Adityas, was thus crowned the king of gods.

Legendary Stories of Lord Indra:

Indra is celebrated as a valorous warrior and the god of rain, depicted as the defender of righteousness and Dharma. Among his numerous feats, his triumph over Vritra, the demon obstructing the waters, shines brightest. This victory symbolizes the triumph of good over evil and the renewal that follows destruction.

In another tale, Indra’s arrogance leads him to seek a grander palace, despite Vishwakarma’s finest craftsmanship. Disguised as a boy, Vishnu teaches Indra humility, emphasizing the insignificance of pride in the grand cycle of creation and destruction.

Symbolism and Depictions of Indra:

Lord Indra is often portrayed with four arms, wielding a thunderbolt, sword, noose, and hook, symbolizing his power. He rides Airavata, the celestial elephant, with a rainbow adorning the sky behind him, signifying his majestic presence.

Indra’s Role in Hinduism:

While once revered as the paramount deity, Indra’s significance waned over time, overshadowed by the trinity of Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva. Nonetheless, he remains the ruler of the heavens and the guardian of waters, maintaining balance in the cosmos.

Lessons from Lord Indra:

Indra’s tales offer timeless lessons. His victories over demons represent the need to confront challenges, while his humbling experiences teach the value of humility. The story of Nahusha warns against the perils of pride, advocating for the virtue of humility.

In essence, Lord Indra’s mythology embodies the eternal struggle between good and evil, urging us to uphold righteousness and humility in our lives.


Lord Indra’s mythological lore captivates with its depth and symbolism, offering profound insights into human nature and morality. His tales inspire courage, humility, and the pursuit of righteousness, serving as a beacon of wisdom for generations to come.

In the vast expanse of Hindu mythology, the story of Lord Indra shines brightly, illuminating the path of righteousness and humility for all seekers of wisdom and truth.


1. Who is the king of all Hindu gods?

   – Indra reigns as the king of all the devas (gods) in Hinduism.

2. Who is the highest god in Hinduism?

   – The Trimurti—Brahma, Vishnu, and Mahesh—are revered as the highest gods in Hinduism.

3. Who is the father of Shiva?

   – Brahma is acknowledged as the father of Lord Shiva.

4. Who are the 11 avatars of Shiva?

   – The 11 avatars of Lord Shiva include Kapali, Pingala, Bhima, Virupaksha, Ayesha, Shasana, Shasta, Shambhu, Chanda, Vilohita, and Dhruva.